Source code for lala.config

Config module

.. versionchanged:: 0.5
The function set_default_options was removed. To achieve the same behaviour,
set a module-level dict called "DEFAULT_OPTIONS" where the keys are the
option names and the values are the default values in your plugin.
import logging

from appdirs import user_config_dir
from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
from os import getenv
from os.path import basename, expanduser, join
from six import iteritems, string_types
from six.moves import configparser

_CFG = None

#: Used as a separator when storing lists of values in the config file

#: Default settings
    "channels": "",
    "plugins": "",
    "nickserv_password": None,
    "log_folder": expanduser("~/.lala/logs"),
    "log_file": expanduser("~/.lala/lala.log"),
    "encoding": "utf-8",
    "fallback_encoding": "utf-8",
    "max_log_days": 2,
    "nickserv_admin_tracking": "false"

def _initialize(filename=None):
    global _CFG
    global _FILENAME
    cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser(_CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
    if filename is None:
        configfiles = [join(user_config_dir(appname="lala"),
                       join(getenv("HOME"), ".lala", "config"),
        configfiles = [filename]
    files =
    if not cfg.has_section("base"):
        cfg.add_section("base")"Read config files %s", files)"Using %s to save setting", files[0])

    _CFG = cfg
    _FILENAME = files[0]

def _find_current_plugin_name():
    """Tries to find the filename of the current plugin. This is essentially
    the first filename different from the filename of this file ("")
    on the stack
    for elem in stack():
        frameinfo = getframeinfo(elem[0])
        filename = frameinfo.filename
        if not __file__.startswith(filename):
            return basename(filename.replace(".py", ""))

def _set(section, key, value):
    if _CFG.has_section(section):
        _CFG.set(section, key, value)
        _CFG.set(section, key, value)
    if _FILENAME is not None:
        with open(_FILENAME, "w") as fp:

[docs]def get(key, converter=None): """Returns the value of a config option. The section is the name of the calling file. Default values for all keys can be set with :meth:`set_default_options`. :param key: The key to lookup """ plugin = _find_current_plugin_name()"%s wants to get the value of %s" % (plugin, key)) value = None value = _CFG.get(plugin, key) if converter is not None: value = converter(value) return value
def _get(section, key): return _CFG.get(section, key)
[docs]def get_int(*args): """Returns the value of a config option as an int. :param *args: See :meth:`lala.config.get` :rtype: int """ return get(*args, converter=int)
[docs]def set(key, value, plugin=None): """Sets the ``value`` of ``key``. The section is the name of the calling file.""" plugin = _find_current_plugin_name() if not isinstance(value, string_types): value = str(value)"%s wants to set the value of %s to %s" % (plugin, key, value)) _set(plugin, key, value)
def _list_converter(value): """Converts a list of values into a string in which the values will be separated by :data:`_LIST_SEPARATOR`.""" if not isinstance(value, string_types): value = map(str, value) value = _LIST_SEPARATOR.join(value) return value
[docs]def get_list(*args): """Gets a list option. :param *args: See :meth:`lala.config.get` :rtype: list of strings """ value = get(*args, converter=_list_converter) return value.split(_LIST_SEPARATOR)
[docs]def set_list(key, value, *args): """Sets option ``key`` to ``value`` where ``value`` is a list of values. None of the values in ``value`` are allowed to contain :data:`lala.config._LIST_SEPARATOR`. This method does *not* preserve the type of the items in the list, they're all passed through :meth:`str`. :param key: See :meth:`lala.config.set` :param value: A list of values for ``key``. """ value = _list_converter(value) set(key, value, *args)
def _set_default_options(plugin, opts): """Sets the default options for a plugin. The names of the arguments in ``kwargs`` will be used as the option names, the values as the values of the options. """ for key, value in iteritems(opts): if not _CFG.has_option(plugin, key): if not isinstance(value, list): _set(plugin, key, value) else: set_list(key, value, plugin)