Source code for lala.pluginmanager

import imp
import logging
import lala.config
import lala.util

from functools import partial
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from types import GeneratorType

__all__ = ("disable", "enable", "is_admin", "PluginFunc", "load_plugin")


_callbacks = {}
_join_callbacks = list()
_regexes = {}
_cbprefix = "!"

[docs]class PluginFunc(object): def __init__(self, func, enabled=True, admin_only=False, aliases=None): self.enabled = enabled self.func = func self.admin_only = admin_only self.aliases = aliases or []
def _make_pluginfunc(func, cmd=None, admin_only=False, aliases=None): if aliases is not None: triggers = [cmd] triggers.extend(aliases) extradoc = "Triggers: %s" % (", ".join(triggers)) doc = func.__doc__ if doc is None: func.__doc__ = extradoc else: func.__doc__ += "\n" func.__doc__ += extradoc return PluginFunc(func, admin_only=admin_only, aliases=aliases)
[docs]def is_admin(user): """Check whether ``user`` is an admin. If a nickserv password is set, this will work by checking an internal list of identified admins. If no nickserv password is set, this simply checks if ``user`` is in the "admins" option of the "base" section.""" if lala.util._BOT.factory.nspassword is not None and\ lala.config._CFG.getboolean("base", "nickserv_admin_tracking"): return user in lala.util._BOT.identified_admins else: return user in lala.config._get("base", "admins").split( lala.config._LIST_SEPARATOR)
[docs]def load_plugin(name): logging.debug("Trying to load %s" % name) if not lala.config._CFG.has_section(name): lala.config._CFG.add_section(name) modname = "lala/plugins/%s" % name (f, p, d) = imp.find_module(modname) mod = imp.load_module(modname, f, p, d) if hasattr(mod, DEFAULT_OPTIONS_VARIABLE): lala.config._set_default_options(name, getattr(mod, DEFAULT_OPTIONS_VARIABLE)) if hasattr(mod, MODULE_INIT_FUNC): initf = getattr(mod, MODULE_INIT_FUNC) if callable(initf): initf() else: raise TypeError("module init function is not callable")
def register_callback(trigger, func, admin_only=False, aliases=None): """ Adds ``func`` to the callbacks for ``trigger``.""" logging.debug("Registering callback for %s" % trigger) f = _make_pluginfunc(func, trigger, admin_only, aliases) if aliases is not None: for alias in aliases: _callbacks[alias] = f _callbacks[trigger] = f def register_join_callback(func): """ Registers ``func`` as a callback for join events.""" _join_callbacks.append(func) def register_regex(regex, func): """ Registers ``func`` as a callback for every message that matches ``regex``.""" _regexes[regex] = _make_pluginfunc(func) def _generic_errback(user, channel, failure): lala.util.msg(channel, "%s: whoops, something went wrong while processing " "your command!" % user) return failure def _auto_add_errback(user, channel, d): cb = partial(_generic_errback, user, channel) if isinstance(d, GeneratorType): for deferred in d: deferred.addErrback(cb) elif isinstance(d, Deferred): d.addErrback(cb) def _handle_message(user, channel, message): if message.startswith(_cbprefix): command = message.split()[0].replace(_cbprefix, "") func = _callbacks.get(command) if func is not None: logging.debug(func) if func.enabled: if ((func.admin_only and is_admin(user)) or not func.admin_only): stripped_message = message[len(_cbprefix) + len(command) + 1:] ret = _callbacks[command].func( user, channel, stripped_message) _auto_add_errback(user, channel, ret) else: lala.util.msg(channel, "Sorry %s, you're not allowed to do that" % user) else: lala.util.msg(channel, "%s is not enabled" % command)"%s is not enabled" % command) return for regex in _regexes: match = if match is not None: func = _regexes[regex] if func.enabled:"%s matched %s" % (message, regex)) _regexes[regex].func( user, channel, message, match) else:"%s is not enabled" % regex.pattern) def on_join(user, channel): """ Calls all callbacks for on_join events that were previously registered with :meth:`lala.util.on_join`. """ for cb in _join_callbacks: cb(user, channel)
[docs]def disable(trigger): """Disables `trigger`. :param str trigger: The trigger to disable. Can be a key for a callback or a regular expression """ if trigger in _callbacks: _callbacks[trigger].enabled = False for regex in _regexes: if regex.pattern == trigger: _regexes[regex].enabled = False break
[docs]def enable(trigger): """Enables `trigger`. :param str trigger: The trigger to enable. Can be a key for a callback or a regular expression """ if trigger in _callbacks: _callbacks[trigger].enabled = True for regex in _regexes: if regex.pattern == trigger: _regexes[regex].enabled = True
def _get_enabled_plugins(): """Returns a list of all the enabled plugins. """ return lala.config._get("base", "plugins").split(lala.config._LIST_SEPARATOR) def _reload(): """Reloads all enabled plugins. """ logging.debug("Reloading plugins") global _join_callbacks _join_callbacks = [] _regexes.clear() _callbacks.clear() # Call setup to load the modules again. # Important: this works because when using imp.load_module to load an # already imported module, the second import is equivalent to a reload() of # that module. setup() def setup(): """Loads all enabled plugins """ for plugin in _get_enabled_plugins(): load_plugin(plugin) load_plugin("base")