Source code for lala.util

"""Helpers to be used with plugins"""
import lala.pluginmanager

from types import FunctionType
from inspect import getargspec
from re import compile

_BOT = None

[docs]class command(object): """ Decorator to register a command. The name of the command is the `__name__` attribute of the decorated function. Example:: @command def heyiamacommand(user, channel, text): pass You can also pass a ``command`` parameter to overwrite the name of the command:: @command(command="yetanothercommand") def command_with_a_really_stupid_or_insanely_long_name(user, channel, text): pass ``aliases`` can be a list of names under which the function will be available in addition to its primary name. An additional argument, ``admin_only`` can be used to make a function available to admins only:: @command(admin_only=True) def give_me_the_one_ring(user, channel, text): pass """ def __init__(self, command=None, admin_only=False, aliases=None): self.admin_only = admin_only self.aliases = aliases if isinstance(command, FunctionType): # Used like # @command # def foo(...): # pass self.cmd = None self._handle_func(command) elif command is None: # This happens when only admin_only is set when decorating a # function like # @command(admin_only=True) # def foo(user, channel, text): # pass self.cmd = None elif not (isinstance(command, str) or isinstance(command, unicode)): raise TypeError( "The command should be either a str or unicode but it's %s" % type(command)) else: self.cmd = command def __call__(self, func): self._handle_func(func) def _handle_func(self, f): if _check_args(f): self.cmd = self.cmd or f.__name__ self.func = f self._register() else: raise TypeError( "A callback function should take exactly 3 arguments") def _register(self): lala.pluginmanager.register_callback(self.cmd, self.func, self.admin_only, self.aliases)
[docs]def on_join(f): """Decorator for functions reacting to joins :param f: The function which should be called on joins.""" if _check_args(f, 2): lala.pluginmanager.register_join_callback(f) else: raise TypeError("A callback function should takes exactly 2 arguments")
[docs]class regex(object): """Decorator to register a regex. Example:: @regex("(https?://.+)\s?") def somefunc(user, channel, text, match_obj): pass ``match_obj`` is a :py:class:`re.MatchObject`. :param regex: A :py:class:`re.RegexObject` or a string representing a regular expression. """ def __init__(self, regex): if not hasattr(regex, "match") and isinstance(regex, basestring): regex = compile(regex) = regex def __call__(self, func): if _check_args(func, 4): lala.pluginmanager.register_regex(, func) else: raise TypeError( "A regex callback function should take exactly 4 arguments")
[docs]def msg(target, message, log=True): """Send a message to a target. :param str target: Target to send the message to. Can be a channel or user :param message: One or more messages to send :type message: str or [str] :param bool log: Whether or not to log the message """ try: if not isinstance(message, basestring): for _message in iter(message): if _message == "": continue _BOT.msg(target, _message, log) else: if message == "": return _BOT.msg(target, message, log) except TypeError: if message == "": return _BOT.msg(target, message, log)
def _check_args(f, count=3): """ Checks whether the number of arguments ``f`` takes equals ``count``.""" args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(f) if defaults: args = args[:-defaults] return len(args) == count