Source code for

import logging
import lala.pluginmanager

from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from lala import config, __version__

# From
# This tells us a user has registered and identified for his nick
irc.symbolic_to_numeric["RPL_WHOISREGNICK"] = "307"
irc.numeric_to_symbolic["307"] = "RPL_WHOISREGNICK"

[docs]class Lala(irc.IRCClient): versionName = "lala" versionNum = __version__ lineRate = 1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.identified_admins = [] @property def nickname(self): return self.factory.nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, value): self.factory.nickname = value
[docs] def signedOn(self): # noqa: N802 """ Called after a connection to the server has been established. Joins all configured channels and identifies with Nickserv.""" self.factory.resetDelay() logging.debug("Joining %s" % if self.join( if self.factory.nspassword is not None:"Identifying with Nickserv") self.msg("Nickserv", "identify %s" % self.factory.nspassword, log=False) if config._CFG.getboolean("base", "nickserv_admin_tracking"): for admin in self._list_of_admins(): self.whois(admin)
[docs] def joined(self, channel): """ Called after joining a channel.""""Successfully joined %s" % channel)
[docs] def userJoined(self, user, channel): # noqa: N802 """ Handles join events.""" logging.debug("%s joined %s" % (user, channel)) lala.pluginmanager.on_join(user, channel)
[docs] def privmsg(self, user, channel, message): """ Handles received messages.""" user = user.split("!")[0] if channel == self.nickname: # This is true if the bot was queried channel = user if isinstance(message, bytes): try: message = message.decode("utf-8") except Exception: message = message.decode(config._get("base", "fallback_encoding")) logging.debug("%s: %s" % (user, message)) lala.pluginmanager._handle_message(user, channel, message)
[docs] def msg(self, channel, message, log, length=None): """ Sends ``message`` to ``channel``. Depending on ``log``, the message will be logged or not. Do not use this method from plugins, use :meth:`lala.util.msg` instead. """ if log: logging.debug("%s: %s" % (self.nickname, message)) irc.IRCClient.msg(self, channel, message, length)
[docs] def action(self, user, channel, data): """ Called when a user performs an ACTION on a channel.""" user = user.split("!")[0]"ACTION: %s %s" % (user, data))
[docs] def noticed(self, user, channel, message): """ Same as :py:meth:`` for NOTICEs.""" user = user.split("!")[0] try: message = message.decode("utf-8") except Exception: message = message.decode(config._get("base", "fallback_encoding"))"NOTICE: %s: %s" % (user, message))
[docs] def irc_RPL_WHOISREGNICK(self, prefix, params): # noqa: N802 user = params[1] logging.debug("%s is a registered nick" % user) if (self.factory.nspassword is not None and user in self._list_of_admins()): self.identified_admins.append(user)
[docs] def userLeft(self, user, channel): # noqa: N802 self._potential_admin_left(user)
[docs] def userQuit(self, user, message): # noqa: N802 self._potential_admin_left(user)
[docs] def userKicked(self, user, message): # noqa: N802 self._potential_admin_left(user)
[docs] def modeChanged(self, user, channel, set, modes, args): # noqa: N802 """The mode of a user has been changed. If it was added by ``Chanserv`` and the user is in the admin list, append him to ``identified_admins``. """ if self.factory.nspassword is not None and set and user == "Chanserv"\ and user in self._list_of_admins():"Assuming %s is identified" % user) self.identified_admins.append(user)
def _potential_admin_left(self, user): """Someone has left a channel or the network. Check if ``user`` is an an admin and remove him from the ``identified_admins`` list because if he joins again we don't know if it's still the same user.""" if not config._CFG.getboolean("base", "nickserv_admin_tracking"): return if user in self._list_of_admins() and user in self.identified_admins: logging.debug("Removing %s from the admin list" % user) self.identified_admins.remove(user) def _potential_admin_joined(self, user): if not config._CFG.getboolean("base", "nickserv_admin_tracking"): return if (user in self._list_of_admins() and user not in self.identified_admins): logging.debug("WHOISing %s" % user) self.whois(user) @staticmethod def _list_of_admins(): return config._get("base", "admins").split(config._LIST_SEPARATOR)